Two people at a computer

Phishing and Training

Thwart phishing attacks before they do damage to your firm by strengthening the first line of defense: your employees.

Phishing and Training

What is Phishing and Training?

Learn more about Phishing and Training

The ECI Phishing and Training service is a fully managed service designed to create a human firewall by conditioning employees to consistently recognize phishing attempts while enhancing their general awareness of cybersecurity threats. By combining mock phishing attacks with online training, we teach employees how to recognize and better manage these situations.

Phishing and Training benefits
Phishing and Training offers more than just passive tests—they are a proactive way to improve security with in-the-moment education. Through engaging and on-demand training, firms can identify weak points and the types of attacks employees are most vulnerable to. Assess and educate your employees in an ongoing way, using a single pane of glass to analyze simulation and training performance.

Solution highlights

  • Phishing tests, training, and reporting fully managed by ECI
  • Discrete, time-released phishing email delivery protect authenticity of test attacks
  • Variety of content and formats keeps phishing tests fresh and challenging
  • Rich, interactive video trainings and assessments solidify key phishing and cyber awareness concepts
  • Powerful reporting analytics provide actionable insights
Dark Web Monitoring


Firms need to strengthen their human firewall

Threat actors know they can leverage human emotions to make social engineering attacks nearly undetectable. They know end users tend to click before they think. Once this happens, cyber criminals have a clear path to a company’s digital assets.


Avoiding getting hooked by common phishing techniques

Timely, relevant learning

Training modules with timely security awareness topics, such as incident response, passwords management, and social engineering avoidance.


Targeted testing

Tests can made more complex and sophisticated over time and be targeted to specific users.


Find weak points and fix them

Analyze historical data for a deeper understanding of your security posture and identify which users need further education.

82% of data breaches involve a human element, including phishing and the use of stolen credentials.
2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, Verizon
Dark Web Monitoring


Create more confident, empowered employees.

Expose employees to safe, controlled simulations
Our email phishing simulations condition end users to change risky behavior and enable them to recognize malicious phishing emails so they think before they click.

Interactive modules, with knowledge assessments
Online, computer-based training reinforces lessons learned via phishing simulations to help users to identify and act appropriately to threat attempts.

Approachable data for training analysis
Quarterly reports summarize phishing tests and training completion results, providing easy-to-understand insights into employee vulnerabilities and ensure accountability.

Q3 2022 recorded the highest number of phishing attacks ever observed by the Anti-Phishing Working Group.
2022 Phishing Activity Trends Report, APWG


Managed XDR

A single and unified approach to cybersecurity

Visibility across all cloud, networks, endpoints, and data from a single cloud platform. XDR utilizes automated threat investigation and response workflows and combines it with human interventions.

Vulnerability Assessments

Identify existing security vulnerabilities

Best-of-breed vulnerability management and assessment technology. Our team scans for malware, viruses, and other malicious actions, covering both internal and external facing environments.

Dark Web Monitoring

Round-the-clock monitoring, alerts, and remediation

Enhance data protection and reduce account takeover risk. ECI monitors the dark web to see if assets are exposed and provide immediate notification.


See our Phishing and Training in action

Speak with one of our experts today to learn how ECI can keep you ahead of threats.